Eucalyptus polyanthemos (Red box)


Advanced: 1.3 - 1.8 m, 27 L pot

Stakes and ties recommended for support (available for purchase separately).

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Advanced: 1.3 - 1.8 m, 27 L pot

Stakes and ties recommended for support (available for purchase separately).

Advanced: 1.3 - 1.8 m, 27 L pot

Stakes and ties recommended for support (available for purchase separately).

A medium to large-sized woodland or forest tree, usually reaching 15-20 metres at maturity. E. polyanthemos has a rounded crown and dense foliage, creating a distinctive grey coloured canopy with oval-shaped leaves. The species is a popular ornamental choice and is also valued for screening, shade, honey production, habitat, and for the use of its foliage in floral arrangements. E. polyanthemos flowers profusely in spring and summer, with its white to cream-coloured nectar-laden flowers attracting birds in large numbers. The bark is generally scaly grey at the base, becoming mottled grey, pink and cream further up. While E. polyanthemos is capable of tolerating difficult, stony soils and very dry conditions, the species does not like waterlogging so requires good drainage.