Eucalyptus albens (White box)

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Advanced: 1.3 - 2 m, 27 L pot

Stakes and ties recommended for support (available for purchase separately).

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Advanced: 1.3 - 2 m, 27 L pot

Stakes and ties recommended for support (available for purchase separately).

Advanced: 1.3 - 2 m, 27 L pot

Stakes and ties recommended for support (available for purchase separately).

A large tree, reaching 20-30 metres in height at maturity. E. albens has a persistent grey bark, spreading into smooth white branches. With a large spreading crown it is a good selection as a shade tree or for encouraging native fauna into the garden. Flowers profusely in winter, with a typically white to cream colour. Frequent in dry-sclerophyll forest or grasslands, E. albens is tolerant of most soil types including well-drained or dry, infertile, and shallow soils - although it adapts well to higher fertility soil types. Once established it is tolerant of frost and extended dry conditions.